Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barry Bonds by Matt Richard

Over the years, several of the star baseball players throughout Major League Baseball has been caught using performance enhancers during the season to give them the competitive edge that athletes need. Steroids is a way for baseball players to draw in large crowds night after night by hitting many home runs. Steroids also allowed Barry Bonds to break the lifetime home run record.

Steriods are made up of synthetic hormones taken by anyone that wants to increase muscle size and strength. Steriods gives athletes an advantage by gaining mass and increases the users speed.The reason that steroids are banned from the MLB is because its unfair to there players that have worked so hard for what they have to be sat aside to someone who decided to take the easy past.

Barry Bonds entered the MLB and a skinny baseball players known for his speed. Over the years Barry evolved into a bulky slugger and hitting more and more home runs. Towards the end of Barry's carreer, he wasn't so fast anymore and started suffuring from injuries that seemed to be from the side effects from performance enhancers.

Althought steroids seem like a miracle drugs for athletes, it has also been banned from MLB because of the harmful side effects it has. Steroids may cause damage to your organs and may even do damage to your brain. Nobody likes a cheater so stick to the hard work and earn everything that you achieve.

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