Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Difficulty of Hitting By Matt Richard

Hitting a baseball consists of a hitter swinging a bat at the right time, at the right level to hit a baseball traveling at 90+ MPH. That's no mentioning that pitchers also have curve balls, sliders, changeups, split finger, knuckle ball, and palm ball are all pitches that a pitcher might have to throw at a hitter.

Hitting a baseball has been proven to be the hardest thing to do in sports. It take a lot of time hitting in the batting cages trying to perfect a swing to be successful at the plate. Not just anyone can be successful at hitting. Even with years of practice, some players never master the art of hitting.

In order to hit a baseball, the hitter has to hit a round ball with a round bat. Baseball is a complicated game with a lot of small variables. With the ball traveling at high speeds and sometimes even a breaking ball. The slightest mistake will case a hitter to get out or maybe even swing and miss.

The most successful hitters are the ones with the best hand eye coordination. It takes lots of hand eye coordination to hit a moving object from close range. This is why hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports.

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