Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Life of a Baseball Player By Matt Richard

For athletes that play baseball for a career, baseball is a job. The better the athlete preforms, the better the athlete gets paid. The players best interest is to perform at his highest level to keep bringing in the big checks. The best way for them to do that is to work hard at practice, in the weight room, and spend lots of time before and after practice working on the things they need to get better at.

The life of an athlete isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Athletes have to spend large amounts on the road traveling to away games. While the players are on the road traveling, they have to spend time away from their families. Players a lot of times have to face the problem of being home sick and still have to keep their minds on the game of baseball.

Baseball is a sport that players have to have a passion for or other wise they won't make it in the baseball business. Baseball is a year round sport. Taking a break from the game may cause a player to get rusty. The last thing an athlete or a competitor wants to do is lose his competitive edge. Year after year they strive to get better to work their way to the top.

Baseball is a business that some athletes can't handle. Its a lot of hard work and full of variables that athletes have to dedicate themselves to. There are sacrifices that have to be made in order to have a long and successful carreer as a major league baseball player.

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