Umpires has to go through 9 inning of baseball every game trying to make the best decisions they can. There are lot of close calls that take place during a baseball game that could go in either teams favor. Fans often feel like the umpires are against a certain team when a call doesn't go their way. Umpires game a hard job and sometimes miss a call and hear about it from the fans. It's lots of times a lose lose situation on a close call because either way the umpire decides to make a call, one team or the other will be mad and start telling the umpires how they feel about it.
The instant replay was brought into major league baseball to help umpires determine home runs. The replay helps determine whether the homerun was fair or foul, interfered with a fan, and if the ball actually let the field of play.
Instant replay will help out the refs to make the right call if they didn't get a good angle to make a confident call. The replay was frowned upon by many baseball organizations because if the long amount of time it takes a baseball game to finish 9 innings. They thought that the replay would take up even more time and make the game last even longer but it ended up not taking as much time as they had thought and there are very few games that it's needed. The instant replay ended up being very beneficial.
Baseball has blown up into a big entertainment for millions of fans around the world. For many people, baseball is more than just a game. Its life!