Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Life of a Baseball Player By Matt Richard

For athletes that play baseball for a career, baseball is a job. The better the athlete preforms, the better the athlete gets paid. The players best interest is to perform at his highest level to keep bringing in the big checks. The best way for them to do that is to work hard at practice, in the weight room, and spend lots of time before and after practice working on the things they need to get better at.

The life of an athlete isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Athletes have to spend large amounts on the road traveling to away games. While the players are on the road traveling, they have to spend time away from their families. Players a lot of times have to face the problem of being home sick and still have to keep their minds on the game of baseball.

Baseball is a sport that players have to have a passion for or other wise they won't make it in the baseball business. Baseball is a year round sport. Taking a break from the game may cause a player to get rusty. The last thing an athlete or a competitor wants to do is lose his competitive edge. Year after year they strive to get better to work their way to the top.

Baseball is a business that some athletes can't handle. Its a lot of hard work and full of variables that athletes have to dedicate themselves to. There are sacrifices that have to be made in order to have a long and successful carreer as a major league baseball player.

Difficulty of Hitting By Matt Richard

Hitting a baseball consists of a hitter swinging a bat at the right time, at the right level to hit a baseball traveling at 90+ MPH. That's no mentioning that pitchers also have curve balls, sliders, changeups, split finger, knuckle ball, and palm ball are all pitches that a pitcher might have to throw at a hitter.

Hitting a baseball has been proven to be the hardest thing to do in sports. It take a lot of time hitting in the batting cages trying to perfect a swing to be successful at the plate. Not just anyone can be successful at hitting. Even with years of practice, some players never master the art of hitting.

In order to hit a baseball, the hitter has to hit a round ball with a round bat. Baseball is a complicated game with a lot of small variables. With the ball traveling at high speeds and sometimes even a breaking ball. The slightest mistake will case a hitter to get out or maybe even swing and miss.

The most successful hitters are the ones with the best hand eye coordination. It takes lots of hand eye coordination to hit a moving object from close range. This is why hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Instant Replay In Major League Baseball By Matt Richard

There is almost always a few close calls in every baseball game that some people feel like it could have been called in the other teams favor. These close calls sometimes may even determine the final score of the game. Its no big deal during the regular season because it may be only on have out of the 162 games that a major league baseball team plays. When these close calls come at the end of the post season with everything on the line and everything that an athlete has work so hard for, it is hard to throw it all away because of an unpire that missed a call.

Umpires has to go through 9 inning of baseball every game trying to make the best decisions they can. There are lot of close calls that take place during a baseball game that could go in either teams favor. Fans often feel like the umpires are against a certain team when a call doesn't go their way. Umpires game a hard job and sometimes miss a call and hear about it from the fans. It's lots of times a lose lose situation on a close call because either way the umpire decides to make a call, one team or the other will be mad and start telling the umpires how they feel about it.

The instant replay was brought into major league baseball to help umpires determine home runs. The replay helps determine whether the homerun was fair or foul, interfered with a fan, and if the ball actually let the field of play.

Instant replay will help out the refs to make the right call if they didn't get a good angle to make a confident call. The replay was frowned upon by many baseball organizations because if the long amount of time it takes a baseball game to finish 9 innings. They thought that the replay would take up even more time and make the game last even longer but it ended up not taking as much time as they had thought and there are very few games that it's needed. The instant replay ended up being very beneficial.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

LSUE Bengals 2010 Season By Matt Richard

The 2010 LSUE Bengals were victories last season as they traveled to Enid, Oklahoma and won the NJCAA National Championship. Throughout the season the team preparated for the World Series by playing hard and deserving to win. It was a long year of hard work for the Bengals but the hard work paid off in the end.

Louisiana State University at Eunice has brought together a group if talented young athletes that are expected to do what their suppose to. Athletes are expected to work hard on and off of the field.
Here at LSUE, we know what it takes to be successful as a baseball team. Hard work at baseball practice prepares us to win baseball games during the season. We try to prepare ourselves for game like situations that we might face throughout the season. When we approach this situation during a game we will know what to do and get the job done.

Working hard off the field refers to the education department of college. It's extremely important that athletes keep their grades up. Without the number of hours or high enough grade point average, baseball players are not able to play during the spring time. Athletes that keep their grades up will also have a better chance of transfering to a four year school.

LSUE has made a reputation for having skilled athletes and obedient young men. This program has shown not only how to be a proper student athlete but also how to become a man.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Its More Then Just A Game By Matt Richard

Many people see the game of baseball as a game that males play while running around throwing, hitting, and catching a baseball. Some people also see baseball as a way of excelling at something that they are good at. To others, baseball is a way of life.

Baseball has a way of bringing individuals together as a team. The blood, sweat, and tears put into this game has brings many players together as a team. Baseball also turns a team into a band of brother where friends build a life long friendship between the players. During a baseball season, players spend lots of time together to become very close. Despite the ups and downs and rocky relationships, the team that builds the most team chemistry I'll enable themselves to have the best chance of being successful.

Baseball continues to be an excellent activity for kids on their free time. Baseball is a good way to keep young children from being on the streets and getting into trouble. Filling childrens extra time with fun filled activities will decrease the chances that they will follow the wrong crowds and follow in the wrong foot steps.

There are lots of people that don't see baseball as the sport it truely is. From good to bad, American's have enjoyed this game for many of years. Its a game has a way of bringing people together and keeping kids out of trouble. This is why baseball is America's favorite pastime.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barry Bonds by Matt Richard

Over the years, several of the star baseball players throughout Major League Baseball has been caught using performance enhancers during the season to give them the competitive edge that athletes need. Steroids is a way for baseball players to draw in large crowds night after night by hitting many home runs. Steroids also allowed Barry Bonds to break the lifetime home run record.

Steriods are made up of synthetic hormones taken by anyone that wants to increase muscle size and strength. Steriods gives athletes an advantage by gaining mass and increases the users speed.The reason that steroids are banned from the MLB is because its unfair to there players that have worked so hard for what they have to be sat aside to someone who decided to take the easy past.

Barry Bonds entered the MLB and a skinny baseball players known for his speed. Over the years Barry evolved into a bulky slugger and hitting more and more home runs. Towards the end of Barry's carreer, he wasn't so fast anymore and started suffuring from injuries that seemed to be from the side effects from performance enhancers.

Althought steroids seem like a miracle drugs for athletes, it has also been banned from MLB because of the harmful side effects it has. Steroids may cause damage to your organs and may even do damage to your brain. Nobody likes a cheater so stick to the hard work and earn everything that you achieve.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Yankees Organization By Matt Richard

The New York Yankees are one of the power house team of Major League Baseball. The organization has come a long way to earn the respect they have in baseball today. The Yankees have won many World Series titles and have lots of veteran players that have mastered the game of baseball.

In 1913, the New York Yankees emerged from the New York Highlanders. From the time period of the 1920's and 1930's, the organization managed to win 8 World Series titles. It has also been known that The Yankees have set a record from 1949 to 1953 for winning the World Series five straight years in a row.

The Yankees are leading the Major Leagues with a payroll of $201 million dollars as on the 2009 season. Alex Rodriguez, Yankees starting 3rd baseman, has a contract for 10 years worth $275 million dollars making him the highest paid professional athlete in the world.

There are lots of baseball fans that absolutely hate the Yankees team such as the Yankees rivals the Boston Red Sox. Red Sox fans have claimed that the Yankees buy their World Series titles by signing all of the big named players in the game to make their team better. New York has the upper hand by having so much more money then the other organizations. They are able to get the cream of the crop to their team to make their program successful.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Game Matt Richard

As you step up to the plate, millions of peoples eyes are on you. The bases are loaded and your team is down by a run. Its the bottom of the 9th and there are two outs on the score board. Can you hadle that kind of pressure?

Baseball has been America's favorite sport for years and I will inform you on the basics of baseball.

Baseball is a game played between two team at least nine innings long. The object is to score as many runs as you can. The team with the most runs at the end of the game is declaired the winner. Each team takes turns hitting and playing the field in each half of inning. Each half of an inning is ended after three outs are recorded. There are four bases on the baseball field which is home, first base, second base, and third base. The bases are ninety feet apart to complete a square. The game is under the control of the officials called umpires. The umpired call outs and control the organization of the game just as officials would in any other sport.

Baseball has blown up into a big entertainment for millions of fans around the world. For many people, baseball is more than just a game. Its life!